A clean, simple template that’s great for a portfolio site.
All the files are clearly labeled and organized, and are easily customizable.Includes two color options.
Theme Shell give millions of Website Templates, Themes, Plugins, Creative Design, PSD, and many more. Theme Shell are the best marketplace for Website Templates, Scripts and Plugins.
A clean, simple template that’s great for a portfolio site.
All the files are clearly labeled and organized, and are easily customizable.Includes two color options.
Clean, simple and eye catching business template.
Template Features:
- 2 columns fixed layout
- Homepage with a different and enhanced layout for catching visitors interest
- 6 pages (complete site)
- s3Slider jQuery plugin
- Fully functional ajax contact form
- psd included
So you’r doing a dynamic website for a client and you need a admin panel quickly ? This is the right theme for YOU!. Deep admin is created speed in mind so creating navigation , tables , forms are easy just put some css classes on the basic Familiar HTML elements.
The includes
Feel free to ask questions or Leave comments
- Thanks
Give your business or organization the eco-friendly look with this clean and “green” html template.
This template features 11 HTML files and an easy to edit PHP mail script.
Other Features:
Standards Compliant (XHTML 1.0 / CSS 2.1)
Fully table-less CSS
2 Column Fixed layout
Large Promo Areas
Arial and Georiga Fonts Used
Working PHP forms with “thank you” page:
- Contact Form
- Voice Your Opinion Form
PSD Included
To view a working demo, please visit:
This template includes a handful of my photos for use but I have related photos available if needed.
If you need help customizing, setting up or custom add-ons to this site, just contact me!
ThemeFolio is a theme that can be used for just about anything. Whether it be a personal portfolio or for the promotion of your company, themefolio is the template for you.
Business Portfolio Project showcase is css bases tableless design. .
VALID XHTML Strict 1.0 , VALID CSS, WEB 2.0 , Tested across all common browsers. Very stylish.
PSD , html, css are included. PHP contact form is included .
It uses stylish JQuery Menu and JQuery Project Showcase / Portfolio Showcase
Keywords : WebDesign ; design studio ; webdesigner portfolio ; portfolio ; Corporate Project Showcase; clean business website ; css tableless template ; jquery – lightbox ; php contact form ; Green Yellow; Jquery menu ;
A clean and simple theme suitable for use as a portfolio or for a business site.
Wordpress (Theme Preview Site)
HTML (Theme Preview Site)
Email Templates (Theme Preview Site)
Stock Art
For any questions in helping you customize the theme, please feel free to contact me.