- Responsive & fluid design (suitable for tablets and smartphones)
- HTML5 + CSS 3 Validated
- products or posts for home page choice: now you can ignore e-commerce part and turn Kauri into all purpose theme
- plenty of shortcodes with shortcode generator
- 4 theme skins (complete theme change: colors, fonts etc )
- overrides for theme skins with specific styles for fonts, colors, headings, backgrounds : unlimited combinations)
- “Custom sidebars” plugin in download package : for unlimited sidebars support
- custom background images – tile or full size image
- 2 slider skins with unlimited variations
- Facebook and Twitter profiles links in footer
- Social widget with links:Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Flickr, Youtube (NEW!)
- included AJAX contact form (page template)
- post format templates
- sidebar on pages on/off (full width page or with sidebar)
- home page featured products
- translation ready ( .PO file )
- logo size control
- documentation
- demo content xml file for import
- backup theme settings
- WooCommerce and WP e-Commerce versions
- Compatible with new Wordpress 3.6
- required at least PHP 5.3.0
- support
Check our complete list of WooCommerce features:here
- PHP 5.3 or greater
- MySQL 5.0 or greater
- The mod_rewrite Apache module
Email: themes@aligator-studio.com
Support forum: http://aligator-studio.com/support/
- v. 2.3 update:
- WP 4.3 compatibility
- WooCommerce 2.4.+ compatibility
- fix – Envato Wordpress Toolkit properly set up with TGM plugin activation
- v. 2.2.2
- checked for WooCommerce 2.3 + compatiblity
- added TGM plugin activation framework
- removed optional plugins from download package
- v. 2.2.1
- fixed variable products not adding to cart
- fixed – certain shortcodes not working (updated jQuery deprecated functions)
- v. 2.2
- removed WP e-Commerce version for great number of bugs and issues – major one : database flood with test users causing server crashes
- adapted and tested for WooCommerce 2.1 x compatibility
- v. 2.1.6
- checked for WP 3.7 compatibility
- feature added “Page of posts” template 2
- fix – issue with shortcode nesting
- fix -ereg_replace replace with preg_replace in all theme options admin instances
- removed all “is_plugin_active” functions from frontend
- disabled WooCommerce fronted CSS from WooCommerce settings
- hidden WP e-commerce to theme file transfer possibility (in Store > Settings )
- v. 2.1.5
- fixed – issue with dropdown submenu items not showing (in header “Product Categories”) – WooCommerce v.
- fixed – issue with image in Featured posts carousel – WooCommerce v.
- removed WooCommerce admin nag message (“Your theme does not declare WooCommerce support …”) – WooCommerce v.
- fixed – WP gallery display for archive/taxonomy and single page
- v. 2.1.4
- corrected error in code for “Classic” carousel (changes is WP e-Commerce plugin functions)
- added SP WPEC Variation Image Swap plugin to “optional plugins”package (WP e-Commerce)
- site background options changes (added CSS3 background-size)
- added support for SSL enabled sites
- checked for Wordpress 3.5.1 compatibility
- removed official support for Gold Cart styles (WP e-Commerce version)
- v. 2.1.3
- updated documentation and WPSC version demo content import
- checked for updates compatibility (Wordpress 3.5, WooCommerce 1.6.6 and WP e-Commerce changes
- improved responsive dropdown menu
- improved latest products and posts image
- improved featured carousel products and posts image
- lots of minor css tweaks
- v. 2.1.2
- added child theme capability
- fixed validation errors with dropdown menu (for mobile devices), google fonts css links, and bad rel keywords
- added 20 more Google fonts
- fixed variation image zoom (WooCommerce)
- v. 2.1.1
- corrected bug in setting theme options body styles corrected.
- added few new Google fonts
- removed embedd font from download package
- improved CSS for Product categories menu in header
- corrected variable products javascript after WooCommerce 1.6.4 update
- checked for WooCommerce update
- updated WPSC Product category widget
- improved Product categories menu in header
- v. 2.1
- Compatible with WooCommerce 1.6.1
- fixed currency display on featured carousel for mobile devices
- v. 2.0.3
- Compatible with WooCommerce 1.5.8
- corrected issue after WP 3.4 upgrade with WPSC product categories display
- lots of minor tweaks and issues resolved
- v. 2.0.2
- Compatibility with Wordpress 3.4
- Compatibility with WooCommerce
- lots of minor improvements and some minor issues corrections
- v. 2.0.1
- WOO:php: functions.php cleared whitespaces (causing “headers already sent” error)
- WPSC:css: removed typos and error found by css debuger (thanks Stanley
php: added deregistering wp e-commerce styles in functions.php - WOO & WPSC:css: shopping cart widget and product categories in header corrected displaying for small devices (width 320px and less); changed the comments styles in responsive lower resolutions
- v. 1.2.2
- added products or posts for home page choice. Now you can ignore e-commerce part and turn Kauri into all purpose theme.
- disabled WP e-Commerce theme update notice (to prevent overwriting Kauri theme files)
- fine tuned and corrected css styles, especially product categories and widgets related
- added shortcodes: pricetable, custom message with icons shortcodes
- added support for”Gold Cart”styles (premium addon for WP e-Commerce plugin from getshopped.org)
- added widgets: featured products thumbs, social links
- v. 1.2.1
- included new version of WP e-Commerce plugin (v. 3.8.8)
- added home blocks margin controls
- added youtube shortcode editor (plugin in theme)
- added shortcodes generator for insertquote, dropcap, clear float
- included homepage hardcoded variations (if anyone wants it
- corrected minor css issues
- v. 1.2 – New features (skins, colour controls, new fonts, shortcode generator, new slider, backup, dummy data…)
- v. 1.01 – Minor changes