Hometastic - Real Estate WordPress Theme

Hometastic - Real Estate WordPress Theme

Hometastic is a Premium WordPress Theme for Real Estate Businesses.It has clean design and it comes loaded with tons of useful features like Advanced Search, Google Map with property location markers , grid listing, Visual Composer Plugin, custom widgets, Custom sidebars , powerful and easy theme options, easy to use meta-boxes and lot more.


  • Responsive Layout: Hometstaic is built in twitter bootstrap and it provides responsive mobile friendly layout with full width slider. So, it looks awesome on big screens as well as on tablets and smartphones.
  • Visual Composer Included ($25 value) Our Theme includes visual composer page builder plugin as part of the theme package. So, now you can build invative layout easily with just drag and drop features.
  • property and agent custom post types: Hometatsic includes property and agent , you can relate agents with your properties and place contact form automatically so user can contact agent directly!
  • Advanced Property Search: Theme includes advanced property search with more search fields.
  • Easy Theme Options: Hometastic includeds powerful yet easy to use theme options that will help you configure and modify the things around your website.
  • Powerful search results: Theme provides two type of search result lisitng: you can see the result in map and user can click on marker to explan edit or you can use grid layout search results.
  • Gallery layouts: Hometastic have inovative gallery images support, you can display gallery in 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns and you can also set custom image size.
  • Custom Widgets: you can display recent properties added and you can also display featured property.
  • Demo Contents Included: theme package comes with demo site content in xml format , you can easily import in on your site to make your site same as demo.
  • Comprehansive Documentation: Hometastic includes an easy to understand but detailed documentation. It will guide you at almost every step, Either it is a configuration OR adding some sort of contents OR installing a compatible plugin.

PSD Order

  • 01_Home
  • 02_Agents
  • 03_Property Listings
  • 04_Property Single
  • 05_Gallery
  • 06_Blog 2 Columns
  • 07_Blog 1 Column
  • 08_Blog Single Page
  • 09_Contact



Note: The images you see in the screenshots are used for demo purposes ONLY, they are not included in the download package, the original ones are replaces with place holders.

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