Wien – Responsive & Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Wien - Responsive & Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Wien is clean WordPress theme, best for business presentation for dental clinics, coffees and small local shops. Best Support is included :-)

  • Responsive WordPress theme
  • Multi-purpose
  • Parallax layout
  • Sortable Portfolio
  • One Page Multipurpose template
  • Create your own creative website with
  • minimal & WPMU
  • Easy to use Page Builder – Visual Composer
  • Clean masonry blog
  • Modern Gallery
  • Supports landscape and portrait photography for photographers
  • SEO optimized and multi-page
  • Suits food, cafe, restaurant, barber and bistro websites
  • Corporate design ideal for startup company or construction / loan industry
  • Free Plugin – Revolution Slider
  • Fresh Plugin Bundle
  • Document simple wedding events or music band history
  • Display big HD video and photo
  • Great for small business, studio or agency

First time WordPress user or beginner?

You want to get your new site done nicely, with minimum effort and overhead, as soon as possible. We know that making websites is not your core business and you do not want to spent more time on this, than neccessarry.

Video Tutorials With English Narration

We created step-by-step video tutorials, which explains you how to work with our theme. There is of course english speaker, who comments his actions, to make the instructions as clear as possible

One Click Demo Content Installation

Sometimes is good to have the example right in front of you and have option to “touch it”. Thats the reason, why we deliver 1 click demo content install. Your site will be then 1:1 (yes, exact copy) of our site. From our experience, this helps our buyers most.

Theme Usage is Intuitive

We dont have any complex theme options, or other settings. Everything is intuitive, so you will be able to design your website according to your ideas. Plus everything looks great out of the box.

Fast responding support

Our main business goal is to create returning customers. We are able to achieve this goal via great customer support. You will talk directly to our developers – this ensure that you will not be asked redundant questions and your issues will be solved asap. We are online almost 16 hours per day, covering Europe and USA time zones.

Experienced WordPress user?

Guess you created some count of WP sites already.You have pretty good idea, how WordPress works. Guess you can be affiliate marketer or just a friend helping friend with his new website.

Unlimited Layouts Combination

Yes, thats right. You can combine together every section you can see in the theme preview. Basically you can create an infinite number of layouts

Very Easy to use Pagebuilder

Our custom system is very effective. You simply drag&drop sections and stack them under each other and then fill their content. This way you will be able to create your wished site in literally no-time.

Tools for customizing your site

You often need to write custom CSS / JS codes, or customize sidebars, customize widget visibility or customize loops to achieve your wished functionality. We create sets of plugins for this purpose and we deliver them with theme for free.

Fast responding support

Our main business goal is to create returning customers. We are able to achieve this goal via great customer support. You will talk directly to our developers – this ensure that you will not be asked redundant questions and your issues will be solved asap. We are online almost 16 hours per day, covering Europe and USA time zones.

Are you developer?

Nice to meet you, we are developers too! So we know the main struggling points when creating website for client and we did our best to avoid them in our products.

Child Theme support

We know, that this is the only correct practice, how to do changes in themes. So we take double care, to be sure that our template supports child themes correctly. We delivery child theme inside, as a bonus to save your time.

Functions wrapped by “function_exists”

When you need to customize our theme fuctions, you will not have hard times. Every single function is wrapped by “function_exists” call. So if you create function of same name in child theme, only your function will be called.

Clean & Well Organized Code

Code is commented, clean and well organized. You will not have hard time, when doing customizations. We save your time & money, making the development process faster.

Fast responding support

Our main business goal is to create returning customers. We are able to achieve this goal via great customer support. You will talk directly to our developers – this ensure that you will not be asked redundant questions and your issues will be solved asap. We are online almost 16 hours per day, covering Europe and USA time zones.

WordPress Multipurpose Responsive Theme

Wien is WordPress Multipurpose theme, which could be used for various purposes. It could be great theme for creative artists. Starting from photographers, who can upload their pictures, landscapes and portraits. Its suitable also for architects, who could present their sketches and desings of new houses or buildings. We can count in users of our Wien WordPress theme also a magician, who uses our site to present his tricks. And a writer, who use our WordPress theme to present her nicely done books.

If you practice medicine, as a doctor, dentist, nurse, or having a degree in pharmacy, our Wien WordPress theme is great for you as well. Our Multipurpose WordPress theme has clean code and clean design. You can present results of your work, for example how before/after pictures of the teeth as a dentist. Also as a optometer, you can show your clients your lab, and present your team. It would also be suitable for a psychologist, who can describe his services easily.

If you practice sport, you are on right place too. Our Wien Multipurpose Responsive WordPress theme will work for you too! We have many sport coaches as our clients (footbal, soccer, hockey, baseball, gymnastics). They can describe their work to the parents. Are you a circus artist from Cirque de Soleil? Are you b-boy (break-dancer)? Or do you train voleyball or basketball team? Check our Wien – Responsive Multipurpose theme, which is appropriate for you too :-)

Also great for freelancers, web designers and small agencies or studios. Wien Responsive Multipurpose WordPress theme offers you lots of tools, how to create your own unique web presentation, boost your sales and enhance relations with your clients. There is no better way, how to present your work portfolio, consisting of photographies, videos and sound, that by using our WordPress template.

WordPress Responsive Multipurpose theme features

Wien has tons of features, so we are picking

Responsive and filterabe portfolio

As a creative artist, you always want to present your work, your portfolio. In our Wien Responsive WordPress theme, we have multiple ways how to showcase your creative work. The Portfolio is solved via Custom Post Type, and is fully filterable. This means that when you click to the filterable portfolio, it will make nice animation and the portfolio posts will be re-arranged

Google fonts 600+

As a creative individual, it ofthen happens that you want to change the typography of your page and google fonts. Our Wien WordPress Responsive Multipurpose Theme allows you to do this out of the box. You can simply go to our powerful Theme Options panel and choose the google fonts here. This gives you power to use more than 600 fonts

Responsive Design

When we are creating we always have responsivity on mind. In current age, tens of procents of traffic at your websites is realised trough mobile phones or tablets. We take accept this reality, so we make sure that our Wien Multipurpose Responsive WordPress theme is highly responsive and could displayed at most mobile phones, tablets, and browser generally, without any issues

Layout Builder

Its common knowledge, that every template consists from Header, Content and Footer. We divided our template to these 3 parts and called them layouts. Every layout has it own conditional logic, which allows you to precisely decide, where you want to show them. For example, you can show one menu at homepage, and very different menu, or no menu, at your sales page. This gives you completely freedom, how to design your page, and ability to hide or show footers at different areas

Section Builder

Each page is builded by sections. Section is our basic design block, and typical example of section is “Team Member”. In this section, you can choose 1 – 99 team members. Each team member has name, his work assigment and links to social media profiles. Also at every section, you can set multiple backgrounds – for example first background is image, after which is added a black overlay, with transparency set to 20%. This will darken the background and add cool effect. Back to the sections – you can add unlimited amount of section, and this way you are creating the design. It’s very easy and intuitive to work with – you dont need any HTML or PHP knowledge, you just stack these sections together and thats all the magic.

One Click Demo Install

Our Wien Multipurpose Responsive WordPress theme goes with 1 click demo install. We know how important is to help our customers, so we are providing the import file. You simply go to your WordPress installation and upload the import file here. After this, your site will look 1:1 like our demo site.

Seo Friendly

Our WordPress theme Wien has been developed according to all SEO standards. Jus this fact gives you huge advantage against other website owners, because our responsive WordPress theme Wien is SEO friendly out of the box, so you will rule your competitors.

Icon Pack

We deliver our theme with more than 3000 icons, composed with various icon fonts. Basically this means, that you will never ever be forced to handle icons. And you also wont be lost – because we have great tool for searching by icons – icon picker. With this tool, you can simply type the icon name, like “Suitcase”, and all suitcase icons will appear. This is very useful advantage, which will make icon picking smooth and fast

Premium Plugins

To sweeten the deal, we included 9 premium plugins into our Wien Responsive Multipurpose theme for free. First two are common – Visual Composer and Revolution slider. The next are our Fresh Plugins. They are tweaking the WordPress and adding important functionality. From ability to add unlimited amount of custom CSS and JS codes, to ability to replace sidebars and influence posts per page in WordPress

Awesome Support

We know, that you want to use our Wien Responsive Multipurpose WordPress theme for project and you want to finish this project smooth and easily It might happen, that you get stuck at something, and this is our moment! We offer great products, with small amount of bugs. This allows us to provide support directly from developers. So if you post a ticket, our developer will answer you directly. Also we know, that time = money, so we are answering pretty fast

1 click Updates for free

When we issue updates (and this is often), you can see it in your WordPress Admin and download it just by one click. This is easiest way how your site will stay up to date, and secured

Pay just one time

You pay the price of our Wien Responsive WordPress Multipurpose theme just once! There is no reccurent payment, just pay once, use per one website. Lifetime updates are in the price of the theme.


2016 April 20th – Version 1.1.0

- Improved - better backend workflow

2016 April 20th – Version 1.0.13

- Improved - the latest Visual Composer version- Improved - the latest Slider Revolution version

2016 April 14th – Version 1.0.12

- Fixed - bug caused by new jQuery

2016 April 13th – Version 1.0.11

- Added - the latest Visual Composer version- Fixed - Section Accordion Box links to 404 pages- Fixed - Portfolio Archive Filterable 1 and 2 - bug when one portfolio item has no featured image

2015 October 27th – Version 1.0.10

- Fixed a glitch with header when changing orientation on tablets from landscape to portrait- Styles and Scripts are now replaceable in child theme

2015 October 22th – Version 1.0.9

- Page Left and right sidebar added- Added PSD files

2015 October 06th – Version 1.0.8

- The latest Visual Composer plugin added- Removed alternated Visual Composer tabs

2015 September 13th – Version 1.0.7

- The latest Revolution Slider plugin added- New Revolution Slider export file

2015 September 09th – Version 1.0.6

- The latest Revolution Slider plugin added- New Revolution Slider export file

2015 September 03th – Version 1.0.5

- bugfix

2015 September 03th – Version 1.0.4

- bugfix

2015 August 31th – Version 1.0.3

- bugfix

2015 August 31th – Version 1.0.2

- bugfix

2015 August 31th – Version 1.0.1

- bugfix

2015 August 20th – Version 1.0.0

- Initial release

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