We are introducing a new template for any kind of web shop or selling fashion items such as watches, clothings, shoes, bags and much more. Boldy emerges in unique and fashionable design, with fundamental pages for an online stores: Product Listing, Product Details, Wishlist, Shopping Cart and Checkout pages in steps. In addition you will have 5 header & footer sttyles, gallery, team page and other.
Our theme designed on 1200px grid system, your site will look great on all screens. Our package includes 30 well-organized PSD files and with this template you can converted it into WordPress, joomla or any other systems sites. It’s customizable, easy to use and fully responsive.
Boldy Design is suitable for every type of store and a great starting point for your custom projects!
Key Features
- 30 Fully Layered PSD Files with Layer Styles
- 5 header & footer styles
- Based on 1200px grid
- E-Commerce
- Each PSD includes a guidelines
- Unique and creative Design
- Easy to Use and Customize
- Pixel perfect design
- Well organized layers
- Font Awesome used
- Simple Line Icons Web Font used
- Free Google fonts used
- Great Support 24/7
- Easy to find the files name, folder, layers, goups
PSD Contents
- 01_home_multibrand.psd
- 02_home_singleproduct.psd
- 03_collection.psd
- 04_category_grid.psd
- 05_category_list.psd
- 06_category_sidebar.psd
- 07_category_table.psd
- 08_product.psd
- 09_compare.psd
- 10_wishlist.psd
- 11_cart.psd
- 12_checkout.psd
- 13_services.psd
- 14_aboutus.psd
- 15_news_grid.psd
- 16_news_list.psd
- 17_news_sidebar.psd
- 18_post_sidebar.psd
- 19_post_fullwidth.psd
- 20_help.psd
- 21_team.psd
- 22_teammate.psd
- 23_price.psd
- 24_gallery.psd
- 25_typography.psd
- 26_error.psd
- 27_offline.psd
- 28_comingsoon.psd
- 29_loadingpage.psd
- 30_header_footer.psd